The series revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Dallas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. It will focus mainly on John Ross Ewing III, the son of J.R. and Sue Ellen Ewing; and Christopher Ewing, the adopted son of Bobby Ewing and Pam Ewing. Both John Ross and Christopher were born during the original series' run and were featured in it as children. Now grown, John Ross has become almost a carbon copy of his father, bent on oil, money and greed. Christopher, meanwhile, has become a lot like Bobby, in that he is more interested in the upkeep of Southfork Ranch, much like his father and his late grandmother, Miss Ellie. As an additional point of contention, Christopher is also becoming a player in alternative energy.
Besides Bobby, J. R. and Sue Ellen, other familiar characters including Lucy Ewing (J. R. and Bobby's niece) and Ray Krebbs (J. R. and Bobby's half brother), will also return. Ken Kercheval, who played J. R.'s nemesis Cliff Barnes, is also set to guest star in a multi-episode arc in the upcoming series. New characters include Bobby's new wife, Ann Ewing (played by Desperate Housewives actress Brenda Strong).
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